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VA Unpaid (building experience) Offering Soft Spoken "Sweet" sounding voice

A topic by Misskatonik created 65 days ago Views: 85 Replies: 4
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Hello! I'm interested in starting voice acting and would love to voice  your VN!

My voice has been described as sweet, cute and soothing.

We can try an audition on discord, and I have videos on youtube where I narrate VN also!

Thank you and happy game making!






Hello, is there any chance you still have an opening for this Jam?

We don't have a need for voice acting in the game, but I'm thinking about doing a short release video and having someone for voice over would be awesome. If you'd like to get a feel for the game I do have a few progress videos on YouTube:

If you're interested in working together let me know here or on Discord: classykrakenstudios.


Hey! Sure, let's see what the dialogue is like and if it works out!