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A question about my recently submitted game

A topic by Aries_Drakon created 52 days ago Views: 128 Replies: 2
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So I've recently submitted Shotgun Goldfish to this jam, and I've been playing attention to its analytics page, and I've seen a decent number of plays and comments (at least for my first game lol) but I saw it's got zero ratings. Are these ratings not counting jam ratings (i saw a different system for rating system for games not in a game jam so is it just those ratings)? as this is my first game I'm pretty new to the site so any info you have would be super helpful!


I'm pretty new to the site, too. But I think it's exactly as you said: there's jam ratings which aren't counted in the analytics section and then there's the general ratings which I assume would be. So you have to track your jam ratings in the submission page for your game


ok cool thanks for the response