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Noob Looking to join a Code Jam group

A topic by WidgetElgie created Dec 28, 2016 Views: 333 Replies: 1
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I am looking to learn about game development, and thought that joining a jam group would be a great way to learn by working on small odd tasks within the project as a whole. I only have about 3 years of programming experience, and primarily in studio.

I went to school for industrial design, so I can also help with some asset development (though I am not the cream of the crop as far as art is concerned, but I know my way around Photoshop and illustrator).

I have been working for around 4.5 years using Solidworks for 3D modeling, so I can also help create non-organic 3D assets if needed. I would love to get some hands on development for creating video games from the ground up.

I am a quick learner, but could really use a team that is experienced in mentoring newer developers.



If you want to learn game jams are perfect indeed, but I do believe that you'll have more success finding the experience you're looking for in a real life jam. Getting thought a new skill while not actually in the same room seems real difficult to me.

Why not choose something real small in scope, like a frogger or minesweeper clone and trying to do it solo.

It sounds as If you have all the knowledge needed to get started and the internet is literally a treasure trove of information. You could also ask any specific questions about how to solve a particular problem here and I (as many others I imagine) will be happy to help out if able.

Bottom line: I think an online collabiration isn't well suited for the kind of learning experience you're after but don't let that stop you from making something on your own.

And whatever you do, FINALLY FINISH SOMETHING!