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A jam submission

Gobbies Stole My RuinsView game page

An experiment in combining dungeon crawler with metroidvania aspects
Submitted by LimeBlossomJams (@LimeBlossom), Dan Miller (@dan0mighte) — 22 minutes, 33 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Overall fun and playability#163.6673.667

Ranked from 21 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Theme incorporation
Ancient Ruins: Explore these monster infested ruins and find powerful artifacts.

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I leaped into the portal and found myself in new world.

This was super fun! I did not expect such a great dungeon and liked every aspect of the game.

I first reached the ending sequence without the spear and enjoyed this part as I like first wondering how to approach a sequence right then wondering if I'm missing an item or not, then being confident I'm missing something and looking for it but with still a little doubt I might just doing it wrong. So close yet so far with just an bowman stuck in the way, that's perfect.

Not totally sure if the music perfectly fits but at least it's very nice so it's fine either way, the dungeon is very detailed with plenty of verticality and the different tools needed to advance, I think you get an extra key that you can use in two different doors but both are accessible another way, I actually like this kind of alternative solution to a problem. The game almost plays as fast as you click which is great too and finally the combat sequence are not all trivial especially the last ones, I guess you can also try to approach a fight sequence without the right tools and it's actually not doable with what you currently have which migh be great but I don't think it happened during my run.

This is an excellent entry, congratulations.


The game was fun to play!

It is a bit confusing where you are supposed to go next so I spent time just wandering around trying to figure that out. Dungeon looks great, nice lighting. Enemies are plain and pixely and combat is deterministic and understandable. The reset position crystals was a nice addition. The puzzles could have been a bit more though out.

Excellent submission!


What a nice game! I really liked the combat how you need to carefully dance around enemies and know their attacks and your weapon abilities. And addition of dash and jump just reinforced that gameplay. Verticality was a great addition to that kind of combat, and you really need to pay attention to your surroundings, which is cool.

Great job, it’s really cool and fun game!


Interesting. Part puzzle, part dark souls, part metroidvania with a really solid progression that feels rewarding. 

Nice use of verticality, the world was more of a core part of the puzzle than a place to explore which I think fits this games mechanics well. The inclusion of traversal abilities is just a really interesting idea that I haven't really seen to much in this genre.

Enjoyed the combat, a little simple (Understanding given its a jam game) but I like that kind of positional combat and the ! made it easy to choreograph the attacks as opposed to having to read the animations or learn the specific timings which can be frustrating. 

Not sure if you pulled the background music loop from a CC0 source or its something you put together for the jam itself, but its nice. Really relaxing and chill vibe. At the beginning I thought it was maybe an odd choice for the game, but once I started to kind of click with the game as more of a cute tactical puzzle crawler, it resonated a bit more.



cool game you made there. I really liked the combat with the strategic component esp. in conjuction with the upgrades. The visuals where fitting. I really liked the signs. The sound and music was a bit on the low end here. And for me at least it was a tit too long - the last part wasnt to much fun anymore for me. And was there something supposed to happen after the portal. The Game just stopped with the congrats and the portal filling the screen. Was a bit anticlimatic. :D A bit more story sourrounding the game would have been nice. But for this the time you put together a well polished game with a really nice amount of content!


The gameplay is cool.
I struggled a bit with inputs since I'm used to A/D strafe instead of Q/E but with some practice I got into it.
I really like the ability upgrade.
I got stuck in the respawn point, where I was surrounded by 3 bats and i was permanently dying and respawning in the same spot.
The music doesn't quite fit the atmosphere but it's cool.
Nice game, good job!


Oh, did you set your spawn point on the bottom crystal after grabbing the dash boots?  Sorry to hear you got softlocked from that.


I really liked this one. The moment past the first locked door when you see a big open space across the bridge/thin ground was really nice, felt very earned. I found the combat very punishing mostly because I'm not used to A/D turning, I play Q/E turning but overall a very good entry.


We'll definitely have key rebinding once the jam is over.  Thanks for the feedback!


Overall a really solid entry.  The art is cohesive and the exploration and level design is good (definitely gave me minecraft vibes with the squares and lights).  The music didn't really fit the "feel" of the game - maybe something more aggressive with drums.  The combat is a bit shallow and seems like there is no way to not get hit or block/dodge but maybe i'm just not skilled enough (this was the hardest part my 7 year old son had a rough time with too).  I think the enemies might be too difficult because I often find myself coming back to the crystal only to then have the monsters respawn and it created this bad gameplay cycle.  Maybe if the levels were more linear so you were not backtracking as much that would play well with the monster respawn.  These are all very easily fixable and sort of nit picky overall its a strong entry.


Sorry you had a bad time with the combat, it's difficult to properly teach.  Basically when an enemy has an exclamation point above their head, you should move out of the way, usually to the side.  Then you should attack the air to get them to come into your attack range.  This results in a combat loop that feels somewhat like a dance.

I'll try to make a better tutorial in the future.  Thanks for the feedback, it helps a lot.


Ah ya definitely not intuitive for me.  I wonder if having some other mechanics like a block or parry would make the combat feel like it has more interesting choices rather than you need to 100% dodge to survive long enough to not respawn enemies.  Right now it feels more like punishment then interesting choices and rewarding.  Its definitely a tough thing to balance and get right.

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Really love it, the mood and the music. I found the gameplay fresh and all the abilities to get around were really smart and made for nice puzzles very organically. The level design was solid as well! I'm also very partial to goblins because I'm currently developing a game with some :D.


Oh heck yeah, goblins the best!  Is that the continuation of your ProtoGoblinDungeon project?

Thanks for playing!


Ahah sorta sorta not, the prototype was my attempt at getting an engine before last jam. The other will be a sort of crawler where you are a goblin fighting monsters and human with a dice based system. Here a lil blog post about combat and here a little gif of how the dungeon looks like :


A solid entry  with good mechanics and a lot of verticallity.

Decent ambient music and sound effects and good movement but I am more used to "Q" and "E" for turning not strafing.

There where some instances where I was floating in mid air (with no ladder).

It looks like using a health crystal triggers a respawn of the enemies, I got stuck in a "slay bats -> use crystal" loop until I realized this.

Nice and enjoyable jam entry.


That was intensive! The music got a bit grating after a while, but I had to complete it. I liked every mechanic of the game. Very well done!


I liked the combat system, having the enemies "charge" their attack gave some tactical depth outside of just trading clicks to kill. The progression was really nice as well, getting different items and opening up new paths to change up the core gameplay way great.


Very engaging and fun combat system which forces you to think tactically. Good variety of enemies with different behaviours. Incorporating Metroidvania mechanics to the game is a nice idea and made the gameplay much more compelling together with combat system. 

Visual side of the game is not as strong as the gameplay in my opinion. It doesn't look bad in anyway. It kinda feels like you play a Dungeon Crawler mode of Minecraft. I don't know if you made them yourself but enemy sprites look pretty good. Problem is sprite enemies don't look very consistent with the 3D environment. Background music is very nice and relaxing. 

Btw is there an ending for the game i reached a peak where sign says there's another peak go to beginning. I went there and climbed the highest point with the flying boots but nothing happened afterwards.

Best game in the jam that i've played so far. I gave it 4 stars, Broke one star bcs this is not exactly my kind of dungeon drawler especially aesthetically. This is more like as if Nintendo made a family friendly dungeon crawler :) Great job and good luck!


Thanks for your detailed feedback! :)
There is an ending for the game, it requires making a "leap of faith" . If you return to where you first spawned, there is a very long bridge you can only find by using Jump. If you Dash off the end of that bridge, you will make it to the final level.

Submitted (1 edit)

Oh i was wondering why there was a bridge not leading to anywhere so that's the purpose of it :))


I did the art, game design, and level design.  I'm usually a programmer, but I left that to Dan because he's better at it than I am, so I really appreciate the comments on the visuals.  I'll see if I can make the environment fit the sprites better.  Thanks for the great feedback!


the fast paced combat is cool, getting little items that alter your way of playing and looking at the map is very cool too. Liked the game a lot, would love to see it evolve to a full game!


Nice retro vibes. Map seems huge and well crafted, good job!


Very nice - I liked the music and was instantly hooked


Nice job! great presentation and atmosphere!


I really liked playing this. It felt peaceful and fun


Great progression through one big level that isn’t big for no reason. It felt like everything had purpose and was designed incredibly well.

I would absolutely play a full version of this game with more mechanics / lots of movement puzzles like the ones presented here.