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How Do I Cyberpunk? Sticky

A topic by Stoic created Jan 19, 2024 Views: 1,411 Replies: 5
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Host (2 edits)

Creating in the Cyberpunk Genre:

Diving into cyberpunk means more than just flashy technology and dark cities. It's about capturing the essence of a society transformed by rapid technological change. Your game could delve into the lives of hackers, corporate agents, cybernetic outlaws, or everyday people trying to survive in a tech-saturated world.

Remember, while certain tropes are common, cyberpunk is a flexible genre. Feel free to interpret it in a way that resonates with your creative vision. Whether it's a story-driven adventure, a fast-paced action game, or a thought-provoking exploration of futuristic themes, the cyberpunk genre offers a rich canvas for your creation.

Key Elements of Cyberpunk:

  1. Futuristic Cityscapes: Cyberpunk worlds are often depicted as sprawling cities illuminated by neon lights and towering skyscrapers surrounded by wastelands. These urban jungles often feature a blend of Eastern and Western cultures, creating a melting pot of technology and humanity.
  2. Cybernetics and Augmentation: Human enhancement through technology is a hallmark of cyberpunk. Cybernetic limbs, neural implants, and augmented reality are common, blurring the lines between human and machine.
  3. Corporations vs. Rebellion: Mega-corporations wield immense power, often controlling or surpassing traditional governments. Against them are the rebels, hackers, and outcasts who resist the Corporatocracy.
  4. Dystopian Society: Cyberpunk worlds are typically dystopian, characterized by social decay and corruption. Despite technological advancements, life is often harsh for the average person.
  5. Virtual Worlds and AI: Expect a deep integration of virtual reality and artificial intelligence. AI characters may have complex personalities, and virtual worlds offer escapes or battlegrounds beyond physical reality.
  6. Stylistic Influences: Aesthetically, cyberpunk draws from film noir, with a moody, neon-lit atmosphere. Fashion is eclectic, combining high-tech gear with punk influences.
(1 edit)

Hello gamers, I'm excited to join this community and dive into the world of programming, especially when it comes to creating cyberpunk-themed games. The prospect of building something in this genre is incredibly intriguing to me. I've recently come across this space where unitary or collective constructions take place, and I'm eager to get involved.

I've been drawn to the cyberpunk genre not just for its flashy technology and dark cityscapes, but for its deeper exploration of societal transformation in the face of rapid technological change. I'm fascinated by the lives of hackers, corporate agents, cybernetic outlaws, and everyday individuals trying to navigate a tech-saturated world.

From what I've gathered, cyberpunk offers a rich canvas for creativity, allowing for diverse interpretations and storytelling approaches. Whether it's crafting a story-driven adventure, a fast-paced action game, or a thought-provoking exploration of futuristic themes, there's so much potential to explore.

Key elements like futuristic cityscapes, cybernetic augmentation, the struggle between corporations and rebellion, dystopian society, and the integration of virtual worlds and AI are all aspects I'm eager to incorporate into our project. Drawing inspiration from film noir and blending high-tech with punk influences, I believe we can create something truly immersive and captivating.

So, if there's a group or individuals out there looking to embark on a cyberpunk adventure and bring these elements to life, count me in. I'm ready to contribute in any way I can and help make our collective vision a reality.

Let's create something extraordinary together!!!

Will there be an additional limitation or theme added the day of the Game Jam? or will it be pure open form Cyber Punk games with no additional theme or limitation? Thanks!


No additional limitations or subthemes will be added on the day of the Game Jam. It will be a purely open-form Cyberpunk theme.


Hello, I have only one question: Who here is a Philip K Dick Fan? You know the guy who created Blade Runner? Come on I know you are here..

I came across this game jam by chance one could say, I have had in my mind to make a small game based off of a Philip K Dick story or inspired by it and would be writing and doing the art. I currently have adapted two of Philip K Dick stories into comics, which you can find for FREE on my itch page. 

I also have some ongoing analysis on the story of Blade Runner and Minority Report which you can find on my Youtube Channel, here is the Blade Runner series:

                 Blade Runner: Science fiction or prophecy? Video Essay series               

                 Minority Report: Remembering the Future               

Let me know if this post strikes a cord with you and add me on discord so we can talk. Discord is: .wesleyedwards