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A jam submission

Hyperdrive StreamlineView game page

Turn by turn, Tetris-Inspired retro fun!
Submitted by SamuelCoallier — 21 hours, 31 minutes before the deadline
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Hyperdrive Streamline's page

Team Name
Solo Sam Studio

Gameplay Instructions
WASD/Arrows - Move (Down/S to release held blocks)

Spacebar - Grab/Release blocks (Attack when not facing a block)

T - Pause/Resume

R - Restart Level

Q- (In pause menu) Quit game

What platform is your game built for?


List any content that was created before the jam.
- The music was sourced from a stock music website

- Some of the sounds were taken from the provided library, the others were generated during the jam (BFXR)

Link to Gameplay Footage

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Really nice! I like the retro style and you pulled it off great. I was a bit confused that I couldn't pull blocks backwards even though I could move them in every other direction, and if there's a way to separate grouped blocks I couldn't figure it out. But overall it still makes for a very fun puzzle game :)