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a collection by KingWater04 · last updated 2024-04-23 07:31:23
An in-game text input notepad. Highly customizable.
Let the player select an item and returns the selection
epic rock music for videogames
Allows one to assign music to a list to be played at random on particular maps based on the map notes.
RPG Battler - 4 Frame - 14 Poses - Actor or Enemy
Battle-Animations to destroy your monsters!
Professional orchestral music for some common game settings.
【Free】BGM materials for indie game developers / Loop tagged
【Free】BGM materials for indie game developers / Loop tagged
【Free】BGM materials for indie game developers / Loop tagged
【Free】BGM materials for indie game developers / Loop tagged
【Free】BGM materials for indie game developers / Loop tagged
【Free】BGM materials for indie game developers / Loop tagged
A battle system based on the persona series and Conditional Turn Battle System.
Easy-to-use plugin for adding proximity and line of sight to RPG Maker games.
Joint controller for Dynamic Characters and Dynamic Pictures.