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Bug Reports Sticky

A topic by Commodore Shawn created Jun 15, 2017 Views: 13,485 Replies: 337
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Did something break? Please tell me about it.

I don't know who mentioned it, but when you place a road over a mountain, and then remove the road, there is grass underneath.

But I think in the first place, we aren't meant to be able to build roads on mountains?

I can confirm the same thing happens to the coastline, removing the road turns it to grass 


Roads need a little rework, currently placing a road erases whatever was beneath it, hence why everything turns to grass.

Not building roads on mountains makes sense, maybe with a different type of work designation that could flatten the mountain (to make a pass, or allow for building a mine)

Got a couple crashes as my troops (20) when into combat against a large Maskling force (50ish?)

1.2.4 may have fixed this I'm not sure 

Migrants still idle when they Haven even reached the settlement 


I saw a crash in 1.2.4 around fighting masklings, still trying to chase it down.

Migrants idle when they reach the settlement's influence range (the distance at which you can construct buildings). That influence range is based on population, and can get pretty big. Those idle migrants will stop idling as soon as they're assigned a task.

the migrant groups were outside the settlement range, they were idling in the masklings camp where they spawn (unless they overlapped)

Also sometimes migrants will get stuck travelling to a structure that is just on the other side of something ex: carry bricks to a wall but they walk up to the tower just in front of it instead of going around through the gate

Does that make sense? I often have to delete the structure, and retry but it can happen again, it's almost like I'm guessing if this can be built or not in this place E. Happens almost always with walls in corners that sorta thing


It's possible that a settlement's influence range expanded to a maskling camp, there's no cap on it currently.

As a performance optimization citizens will "give up" if they can't reach a destination or get closer to a destination after a thousand calculations or so. What's happening there is the citizens are getting "stuck" in a spot too far from a door. 

The migrants get attacked bugg and game crashes is fixed but there are some new.

1: if a pig is on top of a construcktion site they will stay there, no villager can reach them and the only way to get them away is to destroy and rebuild the building.

2: Maskling camps. Maskling camps have a large bugg, In a old post I read that you could deconstruct maskling camps in the inspect menu, I tried and it actually works, the masklings decontruckted thier tent wich then became construcktion grounds, they attempted to rebuild the tents, which they couldn`t and since then I never got an attack from that camp (I also don`t know if it got rebuild, but the hammering noise stopped.)

3: in the Settlemend info menu you can tell them to store, for example 600 food...... doesn`t work, same with mudbrick and wheat. Why doesn`t it work, that`s because if you tell them "store mudbrick, food or wheat" they start farming mudbrick or wheat, but not the needed amount but way more, with mudbrick for example I told them to store 600, they went to produce mudbrick, alot of mudbrick and when the brickworks was full they finially started moving the brick to the storhouses, not ending up with 600 stored but with 2200+. Another wierd think is is that storehouses have 40 spaces but I have storehouses with not 40 stored items but almost 250 items per storehouse.


Made a note of those, thanks!

Can the grass green be changed? It's destroying my eyes and preventing me for playing a long time.


Huh, I've never heard of that before. What would be an improvement? Lighter? Darker?

Actually funny too :p

But everything is possible :)

For the future, can the music not play when we minimize the game? Just a minor detail

(1 edit)

I also saw that when the game is minimized and I right click in another program, that the game turns into inspection mode


I know that used to be a problem, but I'm not seeing that behavior in 1.2.5.

Developer (1 edit)

I'll see what I can do with that.

Edit: though the game is still running when minimized, muting the game would remove audio cues that you're under attack.

(1 edit)

The settlers get stuck on the road and are stuck in "traveling to farm" mode even though they are next to it. (almost all my settlers are stuck trying to enter the farms)


They could be trying to travel to a different farm, but are unable to reach it. Citizens cannot walk over farms at present.

(1 edit)

Ah ok, i'll try to remove some farms and see if it works(it did, thanks)

Sometimes my Trade Wagons, when they are close together (say 3 of them moving on a route at once) if they path at the shoreline they glitch out onto the water. Also they can sometimes get through walls? atleast in one particular case at one of my settlements.

Developer (1 edit)

The Trade wagon displays as a 3x3 tiles, but in actuallity it only occuplies a 1 tile space. What you're seeing is probably the wagon overlapping onto the water.

There's an issue in 1.2.5 where pathing can ignore structures in some edge cases. I have a fix in 1.3, but I could release it early if it really bugs you.

Edit: Masklings shouldn't ignore the walls, so don't worry about your defenses being useless.


no hot fix required! They're just some real strong pigs

so I'm not sure if this has been said or come up before but I have seem to have spam clicked houses so they half overlap each other. So I can effectively have 2 houses in a 2by3 area.


Made a note of it, thanks.

I currently have 2 Settlements one with about 200 and one with 50-100 People and 1 migranting group + 5 Wargroups.

Crashes got a little bit more frequent after 2 hours of play (had 3-5) but now I have constant immediate crashes whenever I load the game.


That's unfortunate, are you on the latest version? There have been  several world load fixes since 1.2.0

Yes I'm on the latest Version.

I don't think the problem is necessarily the world load since it crashed before that.  Would providing you with the save help you with fixing this bug?


It would

I tried it and it's the same fatal error as I described before. But since the 1.2.5 I didn't encounter this


Thanks, I'll take a look.


Thanks to that save file I've got a fix. An odd little edge case around training warriors and me being sloppy when cleaning up after training is complete.

Fix will be in1.2.6, which will be out within the hour.

(1 edit)

Units sometimes go through buildings (tested with warbands and migrants). I started this game yesterday and they didn't do this, they only began doing it after the game had been saved and loaded.

gif of this happening: (I don't think it is related to the gate being close to where they did it,  I've seen it happen with a lot of other buildings)


There's a known issue around pathing calculations sometimes missing structures. It's fixed for 1.3. I can put out the fix early if it's epecially bothersome. Importantly, it wont affect Masklings, they'll still stop to attack instead of walking through walls.

Oh don't worry about it, it's not bothersome at all, just wanted to let you know in case no one reported it before.

Also, I've seen a group of migrants getting stuck for some reason since my last post, but I haven't been able to replicate it yet

(1 edit)

I broke another save. Thanks for "fixing" the first one btw.

This one was created in 1.2.5 but I copied it to 1.2.6 originally it worked and I could close and reload it without a problem but now at the end I closed the entire application and then tried to reload and it just shows fatal error. Got up to over a thousand people this time.


When someone is hurt you can see the "!" in the grey area around the screen.


Savefile fix is in 1.2.7 Looks like world generation was running during the saving process, resulting in a corrupted world. A preventative measure will be in 1.3. The would should load correctly, now though. On a side note, that world will be great for my performance profiling work. Thanks!

That graphics glitch is already fixed in 1.3

Hi Commodore,

now I broke my save, after the lags occurred and so on it somehow broke through saving or something.

Can you take a look, what went wrong in this save?

Hope it helps you for bugfixing :) 


I'm not seeing any problems loading in 1.2.7 (brand new this morning). Could be that this world had the same problem asTwonky's world. If it doesn't load for you in 1.2.7 please let me know.

oh have not updated yet, thx for the information.
I will try the update and let you know if it is working normal again

I have updated the game, the save is working again. Thx for the update!

Not exactly sure if its a bug or something you intended to have, but i've noticed that new immigrants are only going towards my first settlement


Immigrants are attracted to the settlement with the highest Wealth Per Capita value.

My first settlement has the least welth per captia value of 5 compared to my other 2 which are 7 and 11


What version are you on? Prior to 1.2.5 I think there was a bug where the priority was backwards.

Version 1.2.7

I had that problem too with a wealth of 32 and a wealth of 11 and they choose the 11 wealth settlement although those settlements were founded at a later date and the 32 wealth one was the second.

Developer (2 edits)

Curious, I'll take another look at the logic.

Edit: Do all of the settlements have 0% homelessness? Immigrants will only travel to settlements with sufficient housing. Or sufficient housing under construction.

Yes it did. It had enough for around 70-100 people I built the whole settlement with the starting 17 people.

I even send in a second migrant wave from the capital after a few Years and started importing food from other settlements because the 17/34 people couldn't support all the houses I had built. It took 3-4 Years for the first real migrants to show up.

You should actually still have the save with that settlement it was the last I uploaded the settlement between the 2 mountain areas. Btw. you said you wanted to use it for performance test. Were you able to fix some of the crashes happening every few minutes?


I do have the save, so I'll take a look. I just started the performance profiling, and I'll make sure to quash any crashes I see in the process. 

(3 edits)

In 1.3.1 World spawning can occur immeadiately beside a maskling camp - things do not go well for the migrants.


  • Also Maskling forces seem very large early, the first raid on several new worlds is upwards of 10.
  • Storage capacity can still be exceeded
  • Masklings sometime get stuck in water? unless they're grouping location is very close to the settlement? either way it casues my settlement to continually be in Alert mode
  • Roads dont seem to be constructed until every last thing in the construction queue has been completed 

I've made a note of them, thanks.

Are the masklings just sitting outside your settlement in shallow water (light blue)? Sounds like they're waiting for buddies to show up.

Yes they are! But its like directly beside my settlement, literally a couple pixels out of tower range.

I did settle directly next to fetile soil near the shallow water though so it may be coincidence

I was just not sure if the interaction was on purpose, since i lose a few villargers to continually alert mode.


I'll take a look at the "wait for buddies" behavior of the Masklings. Maybe have them wait further away, so as to not trigger an alert.

If a warband becomes too big, the info, split and merge menus gets covered with the list of warriors, which makes them hard or impossible to use.


I've made a note of it, thanks.

Found some new bugs. Maskling camps can spawn on rivers which is kinda weird. If you have a bunch of migrants and send them through a bunch of streets the may become stuck and completly unable to move. I had that situation happen twice in that settlement. Just make a new migrant group and send them north (You can just send them to join the city again and then form a new migrant group).

Another thing I noticed was that masklings camps can be built/spawn on top of each other.

Also the performance stat window in region map mode.

Gets only displayed on the unexplored area.

Some other things that I'm not sure about are.
Does the homeless counter round up?  Had no one showing up to one of my settlements until I built 1 more house and suddenly people came. Might have just been a coincidence.
And I think if you have skirmishers and archers in your army your army should stop/slow down at a range of 20 instead of 10.
Also the fast forward buttons could be linked up to + and - and a pause button right next to them would be nice i think

Apart from that though I currently have a 1000+ Population world that has only crashed once. So I'm pretty happy about that.

I've made a note of them. Thanks!

Hey! When a villager is repairing a wall, it shows in the inspect menu "a tribemember is inside" and they are litterally inside the wall repairing

Dunno if this is intended, manned walls might be a cool idea though

Manned walls was something I was going to suggest!


It's a side effect of the way citizens interact with buildings. I'd like to change how repairs are done generally, which would avoid the issue.

so I'm not sure if this is a bug per say, but everytime I load my world the notification for "a settlement requires copper but cannot produce it" displays makes the alert sound then goes again.


Made a note on it, thanks.

i cant da download any version except the 1.2.0 and when im playing it gets fatal error help me please


Why can't you download a newer version?

(4 edits)

I download it I start the game and when it starts is the version 1.2.0 but until then I did not see problem that version was cool  the problem is that When I started to get better more houses large population I click to see the information and gets fatal error, i already tried download again but of the same says that it will be corrected in the next update but I can, every time that I download is the 1.2.0 help 


1.2.0 has some bug and some performance problems. The current version is 1.3.2.

If you click the "Download Now" button, you should see a popup with payment options, right above the payment amount box there is a link: "No thanks, just take me to the downloads".  Click that, download "", and find where it was saved. Unzip and play.

Alternatively you can use the app which makes installing really easy. 

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