Hi guys!
I would love to get more feedback, the good and the bad! Just everything so I know where to improve or what to focus on next, in my goal to get a better programmer/ game developer. Especially on these since I want to work (one of) them make final product out of these, all just short simple games since starting small is a lot smarter as you all know ;)
https://guldor.itch.io/citybuilder (Browser puzzle game)
https://guldor.itch.io/latex-fetish-solitair (latex/ kinky photo solitaire card game)
https://guldor.itch.io/soulsucker (very recent Game-jam game, after some extra work a short action/ story game)
https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.DuckTapeStudios.ToiletMemories (photo series promotion, memory game)
This is the game page, the version on the itch page is not the latest
Thank you so much!