Here we go
Champs Against Chumps is an avoider-like game where you can shoot and dodge enemies and try to collect coins. You only have 6 seconds to collect the next coin and if you don't, you lose. Each time you collect a coin and kill an enemy, it get's added to your score. Try earning achievements along the way!
Dang, a short little video of the game would be cool huh? Well, I don't have one of those. :(
I have screenshots!
Here are some screenshots of playing the game.
Menu, Stats, and Achievements
Here's what the stats menu looks like. It shows how many times you have played, your best game, the total coins collect, and the total enemies killed. I dare you to try to beat the score shown below.
The game includes 20 achievements. Go ahead, try unlocking them all.
That's about it's an idea, why not try playing the game, screenshot your best score, and share it with others to see who really has the best score. Also, tell me what you think of the game. Hate it, like it, or maybe even love it? Let me know. I read all reviews. I'm out. Thanks.