Being a visual novel dev, this is something I think about a lot. My titles might sound like I’ve just thrown them up into a ditch, but there is some kind of logic to them (honest).
I like my titles to serve four functions:
1) Be memorable
2) Be easy to google
3) Show the genre
4) Set the tone
And these are:
Witches and Bandits and Swords (Oh My)
The Bunny Hill Horror : Bunny Boiler [WIP]
Samuel Sudoku Sleuths Superbly [even more distant WIP]
So, I’ve shown you mine, please show me yours. Did you spend ages working on wordplay, double meanings, symbolism etc. to craft the perfect signature for your masterpiece, or did you end up calling it something like ‘Mega Action Fighter’ because you’ve spent the last 10 whole nights doing a 6 frame animation and now you’ve lost all will to live? Please post links, I’d like to play them.
Also, what do you look for in a title, or do you even care what it’s called?