Completely FREE; runs in your browser; no installation required!
3D TetraGenius Design is used to design WHATEVER using 3D Tetrahedral blocks.
1. If you click-and -design something in the 3D TetraGenius Design game, please post a picture!
2. I love this due to the easy learning curve! Safe for all ages, just use the Everybody, even young children, can develop an interest in design! Designs may be saved and 3D printed; please post a picture if you did this.
3. Also, 3D TetraGenius Design can showcase 3D artists and graphic artists work.
Follow the link above and Enter the game by clicking this: and start clicking to design:
Below is my first SpaceShip; designed in 2 minutes; click-designed:
Below is a geometric design using 3 textures:
Some random assemblies in y-mirror mode: