Hi guys,
I'm currently looking for additional VFX work! I can do both 2D and 3D VFX in Unity and know both about Unity's Particle-System as well as Shader Graph to create awesome effects.
3D VFX: https://imgur.com/a/6Aevoln
2D VFX: https://kjell-bunjes.weebly.com/my-work.html
I've done quite a bunch more than those, which are more complex VFX, but I cannot show them yet due to NDA contracts.
All important facts in a nutshell:
- I'm using Unity (Particle Systems & Shader Graph)
- I can work on PC/Console/Mobile VFX
- 3D VFX & 2D VFX
- VFX sent over as unitypackage, png-sequence or spritesheet-animation
- Realistic or Stylized
- Any VFX you might require: Attacks, Impact Feedback, UI, Environmental etc.
- Happy to take art test, if it's for a real task that's paid at the end when you're happy with the effect
- Background in coding & design (B.Sc., shipped projects etc.)
Prices depend on your project's needs and how we work together. Amount of required VFX work in total, whether I'm provided with references/concepts, whether I work with a lead or whether you're a solo developer. So, it's best, if we have a chat and discuss your project! (No Rev-Share)
You can reach me via e-mail: Kjellbunjes@gmail.com or add me on Discord: ph4ntomz #6257
Best wishes,