"Set in the year 3025, you take on the role of a lost traveler. With no memory of your past, you wake up on the starship, Andromeda Six, surrounded by its crew of outcasts, each with their own vivid backstory and one common goal.
You must try to recover the pieces of your past to uncover your true identity and purpose, while learning to survive the political turmoil overtaking the galaxy after its recent terrorist attacks.
On your journey you may end up discovering more than what you bargained for, but can you handle the truth of your past or will it end up consuming you? Will you follow the destiny the stars have written for you, or forge a new path?"
Hey everyone! It's with great honor that we're making our itch.io page open for the public at last, as we're only a couple of weeks away from the release (already on beta testing phase!). This is a sci-fi meets cyberpunk meets visual novel game in which you get to play as a lost Traveler, pick your own genre (he, she, they), your race (human, kitalphan, tilaari), and date (or not) one out of seven different characters, each with their own backstory and romance path to follow, all while trying to figure out who you are and fixing the mess Seleota System is in.
The game is currently rated 17+, for mature language, sexual themes, and violence, but is subject to change if need be.
We're a small team of 5, all joined and motivated by our passion for this project, and we're both very hyped and anxious to be sharing our game with everyone! Keep an eye out for upcoming updates, as the release is closer than you might think!
Much love and appreciation,
Wanderlust Games
Steph, Nadine, Deli, Tea and Aria