If you haven't played the IronSaga early beta demo then check it out here :
We are adding a lot of cool new features to the full game. It may take a while but we are very excited about releasing it to you all. The full game will be available for a small price of 1 dollar on here and some other sites as well.
But you can forever become a part of IronSaga now with your name in the credits for the same price with a guaranteed copy of the game once released.
Check out our Kickstarter page for more information here :
We also offer some other pretty cool rewards. Thank you everyone for all the feedback and support. Have a great weekend everyone!
♦ More detailed art / animations
♦ Multiple new enemies and boss fights
♦ Massive new levels to explore
♦ New game play mechanics, better combat system
♦ Improved level background art / official cover art
♦ Available versions for MAC & LINUX
♦ French version, possibly other languages if requested
♦ Open to new ideas to implement into the game