Hi there,
I need help! Based on my own experiences, I have a theory that if we (game designers/builders/creators of awesomeness) were to have a simple method for collecting and analyzing feedback about our games we could:
- significantly improve the early game-play and feel of the game,
- reduce the time it takes to keep or kill our ideas,
- improve the time it takes to go from thinking to world building (idea to production),
- stay engaged whilst on the journey to full production.
So before I go any further with my theory, I’d love to get your thoughts and opinions. Are the problems I face just mine or are you experiencing them too?
Please help me by completing this quick questionnaire:
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9SFXKHD (it should only take 2-3 mins)
or providing any comments you feel might help (please be constructive ;)).
Thanks in advance!