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Blocked account, what to do?

A topic by DisFey created Aug 30, 2019 Views: 314 Replies: 1
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Today they blocked the account, wrote that temporarily, but even after deleting the content because of which they blocked me, they did not unblock the account

Moderator moved this topic to Questions & Support


Your account is not blocked or suspended. You're posting here. If you had been banned you would not longer be able to post.

Any matters involving account limits need to be handled through our support email, not our public forum. Please be patient, we'll try to get back to you as soon as we can.

For anyone else coming across this topic:

  • Don't upload and sell works you don't own the rights to
  • Don't try to cheat your project's ranking by using fake views/likes/etc.
  • Don't upload programs that enable cheating by generating fraudulent activity on


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