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Stucked on the market place

A topic by Nicodhemus created May 13, 2019 Views: 210 Replies: 2
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Hi, I got stucked on the  marekt place and I'm not able to get out, as jumping is not possible and walking between the chairs , tabels and barrels are not possible.  I would appreciate if you have a solution or a shortcut to help.


Hi Nicodhemus, sorry to hear that, trying to figure out how did you reach there, the only suggestion right now is loading older saved game. There are no hidden cheat codes. I will review possible problems with market proxies and I will add more collision proxies to avoid people stuck there. I was thinking to add also some options like near teleport if stuck but they are expected problems on alpha versions. Anyway, sorry for the inconveniences and thanks to your issue the game will be better :)


Hi Nicodhemus, I just uploaded a new version (Build 428) where I have added proxies to the market to avoid people being stuck on market assets. I hope it solves the issue for others, just sad that you reached it. Cheers.

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