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Ruthless ending spoilers please? :D

A topic by Spade created 12 days ago Views: 340 Replies: 16
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Call me childish, brainrotted whatever I don’t like reading. The only VNs I finished are Minotaur hotel and Adastra and Mino hotel is by far one of the best things I have ever read. I’ve only found one “summary” but while it said the end events it didn’t say what caused them to happen (it would say MC died but it didn’t say why). And while i understand that the best way to find out would be to actually read it but I really don’t want to. For one I don’t feel like reading more but also two when I reading the normie route all I could think about was Asterion. I was obsessed for a week. I don’t really want to go through all that as it didn’t feel very healthy.

So to the ones with more will power than me: could you summarise all the routes for lil old me? :3

you childish brainrotted. it's not a bunch of routes though, just 4 chapter protagonizing good boy nikos, and up to 4 outcomes depending on 2 choices you make in the route


Considering that this entry you made is for the ruthless endings, it all starts when you give in to sending Asterion to the snake (don't remember his name). It uncovers different ways in which Asterion ends pretty badly, for starters, you unlock a scene of the first night with real guests, in which, while Gretta keeps talking, Asterion has a panic attack and collapses right in the dining room; and the more you insist on sending him out, the worse ending you unlock. Sending him once potentially ends with him agreeing with Luke and Kota to shackle you in the reunion, since the first bad ending is called the shackle; The second ending, if you agree with the snake with the plan of the elixir of immortality, you end up sacrificing Asterion to the bull of the Labyrinth, he can regenerate from that, but his gut is opened and he breaks, he finally snaps and is dead in life, mc dies (thankfully) because the elixir is actually poison; and the snake takes mercy and responsibility for orchestrating Asterion's final dead, and both finally go to what I asume is either Hades or the void of inexistence, since Hermes doesn't know where they went (Hermes brings the dead to Hades so it's worrying that he doesn't know about their fate). Finally the hotel dissolves, but not before Hermes throws some final curses to you for being such a horrible person. And the real Argos Panoptes and Oscar can only watch their Gold of Moctezuma fading into nothing, but at least it hints that Argos has still some plans for his bull crush.

And roll credits on a theatre curtain..... yaayyyyyyyyyy.

If you ask me, I only fulfilled the second ending, I'm not saying anything more about the other bad endings, because that one was enough to break me. I hope this helps.

Also, fuck Hermes! He didn't do enough to help Asterion. Oh! you gave him a dang creepy well to help him decorate the hotel? That's cute! Why didn't you just protect him from the beasts, why didn't you stop the other masters from torturing in the last thousands of years? You killed even those that followed the gods' instructions to a T, why not them? How come you never showed yourself to give a very broken young adult some direct support? Suddenly Olympus's family bonds matter? You could have simply beheaded Athena! Fuck you, you deadbeat bitch!

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Thank you for share that. I am unable to follow that route, it is seeing Asterion having suffered so much abuse for thousands of years and the only thing that urges me is to hug him and tell him that everything is going to be okay. xd

Same, man, same!

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and yet here you are, reading all about it. an they didn't even mention the important lore drops that makes it worth going through

Thank you! After reading all that I had more than enough. I truly don’t think I could read all of them back to back without breaking down.

again, there is no "all of them", it's just the tail end section that differs

a few things. the end you get isn't based of how any times you send asterion out. there's 2 choices in the ruthless route

so for example, in the choice of 2 options, one gives you endings A, B or C, depending on what you choose on the three options choice, and the other gives you ending D regardless of what you choose the triple choice.

the elixir isn't poison, it's ichor, the blood of immortals. it's toxic for humans, but harmless to gods.

and lastly, what makes you think hermes could do anything? the gods don't have free will the same way we do, plus they are bound by magic to not interfere in the hotel. else we'd be having open war right there. trust that greek gods do not care for familial bonds that much, they beef all the time.

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1.- That makes a lot of sense, thank you!

2.- Considering that the snake knew about that means and deliberately gave it to the mc could count as poisoning, but still makes more sense the irony of trying to reach immortality and finding a painful death instead.

3.- Hermes really COULD have done anything! We're talking about a god that has killed servants of Zeus and Hera, such as Argos to reach one of Zeus's victims, which was also being persecuted by Zeus's wife/sister. Even before the labyrinth he and Hades knew that a DENIZEN OF HADES was gonna get sent to a place that not only doesn't make any sense as even a punishment, just because that sadistic SOB, Athena, wanted to torture an innocent soul, one that was already sentenced to Hades by the court of the underworld, so basically Athena was violating both that court's mandate and Hades's sovereignty. Both really could have done a lot more, and they had the means to stop that from day 1. Not even that rule of Gods being limited in the new labyrinth would have power there as far as I can see, since literally a od like him already violated a lot of rules for the sake of her ego and pettiness.

Besides, the Argos snakes? WTF was he smoking? Most of the modern violence against Asterion can be and has been done thanks to that institution! Those snakes are great catalysts of sadistic ideas to the owners, doesn't matter if the ancient ones were worse, those Argois were the Perfect excuse for both Jean Marie and Clement to punish Asterion and pretend to be the victims there, both had greater outbursts against him and justified their horrible behavior on the Argois. Even when you go to the options of the ruthless ending, the snake asks you "why did you send Asterion out?" and all the possible options you can choose, are either terrible admissions of evil that can take the route in a horrible direction or even excuses secretly blaming Argos but not your own decision, which means, scapegoating the snake as the excuse for your bad choice making, at least that's how I saw it, would definitely be wrong, but my point stands that it was a dumb decision to create such an institution, with the worst excuse from Hermes, by the way.

And Hermes complained about his cenility when all the problem that cripples him is no small part his fault and Hades's, so I'm a little bit bitter.

Also, please forgive me for this long ass comment, I'm not being bitter against you or angry, man, I just can't resume this in a few lines, sorry!

PS: Also sorry for my terrible English and typos.

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about the ichor thing. it's effectively poison, i just thought it was important to mention what it really is and what it could mean in the context of the lore.

but no, i don't think hermes could have done anything. remember that gods are sometimes influenced by recursion, like when he arrives at the hotel in the main route about to repeat the myth of when he killed argos to rescue io. that's not just him going senile, it's a magical hypnotic state. plus, yes, he went agains t the servants of the other gods, that's the point. he totally would go against athena if he could and wasn't magically bound by the rules of the realm, and the trial that sentenced asterion, with the intention of sentencing many others of poseidon's children. they managed to stop the whole thing with only asterion having to be punished for it. we don't have the last votes yet to know the full story, so there's still a bit of intel we do not yet have about what really happened.

as for the argos thing, it really wasn't the cause of the modern acts of violence against asterion because there weren't modern acts of violence against him. he was a slave and a servant but he wasn't punished by the masters anymore. the little disaster with clement was the only thing, probably caused by athena through some trickery. the only thing bad to happen to asterion in modern times was being locked up in that room we found him for 80 years, feeling miserable for what happened to all the guests of the hotel. remember that we can't ignore the core rules of the labyrinth. what hermes managed to do there was to mitigate damage, but the roles that the labyrinth forces to happen still have to be enacted. even now, as kindly as mc treats asterion, he still is a slave and a servant, not from anything that mc does to him, just from the magic of the realm.

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Okey, that's a very fantastic point. Dang! Now I love the fact that I can play with imagination and create rules that hold deities down in certain environments and contexts once I move my ass to make a story. Thanks man.

A small point, though, Jean Marie ruled until his departure and death a few years in World War two and Clement ruled until a few years after Jean's death and the period of the Cold War, hence there being passports of Sweden, the Soviet Union and of the Dictatorship of Brazil, given that Pedro's (Argos Panoptes's) grand-dad worked for Asterion, and he worked at the time of highest corruption and heavy rule there, given that he participated in the extermination of a group as if it was casual for the evil authorities that were in power then.

Just mentioning that Asterion wasn't betrayed and locked up that long ago, at least depending on the year the present of the game takes place in. But it's even sadder because of all the people he knew in that time and how they were stolen of their belongings by Clement.

Also, sorry for not replying then. Went to train that day and yesterday I was basically running to do some stuff, including taxes, so there's the reason of my delay, sorry.

sure thing, but i remember clement being the master of the hotel for only a week. that was big part of why it shut down all of a sudden. dude was already not right in the head before inheriting the deed

Damn! Talk about speedrunning your career! What a f4cking dumbass!

that's just what happens when inheriting a business you do not qualify for the trade. but i can't blame the guy, jean marie should have known clement was mentally perturbed, and thus get someone else to pass the deed down.

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I was all on a "I WON'T HURT MY BOY" state of mind, so i went to the scripts to read the ruthless ending without actually doing it... I got sad anyway.

good. sorry if that sounds mean, it just annoys me a bit that so many people are like "i would never hurt my moo", but still want to know what happens. that's not even what the route is about. learn to dissociate if you must, but please get through it. i promise the route is good to read, and is packed with extra lore you don't see in the main route as of yet.