Hello! If you need help coming up with ideas for your video game, then you have come to the right person!
Before you comment on the game you need ideas for, you must follow these steps. (If you are commenting about something else other than you needing game ideas then simply ignore these steps.)
- Give me the name of your game. (If you have one) (If you need me to give you a name for your game as well, I can do that too.)
- Give me a theme for your game. (e.g. psychological horror)
- Give me a setting for your game. (e.g. Futuristic) (If you need me to come up with a theme, I can do that as well.)
- Choose whether you want your game to be singleplayer or multiplayer.
Here is how your comment should look!
Name: (I don't have one yet)
Theme: Parkour
Setting: City
Play type: Singleplayer
If you have any questions feel free to ask.