Hi! My partner, Angel, and I each created a game for Friday's Hyper 1 HOUR Game Jam, and we always celebrate by making our games free through the weekend. But with today being the Superbowl here in the US, I'm assuming loads of people won't be around 🤣 So we extended it by one extra day.
Both of these are IRL prompt games: Roll a Recipe has you creating a recipe, while Just Good Cookin has you creating a game!
You can get both free here --> https://itch.io/s/116413/whats-lookin-good-cookin
And you can read more about them, our inspirations, etc in this post --> https://www.patreon.com/posts/98255793
Individual Itch pages are here:
- Roll a Recipe --> https://beth-and-angel-make-games.itch.io/roll-a-recipe
- Just Good Cookin' --> https://beth-and-angel-make-games.itch.io/just-good-cookin