Down Below is a small Pico-8 platformer that I did for the Ludum Dare 43.
Your goal is to go deeper and deeper into hell to save your bestie (not sure what your friend did to end up in hell, probably creating a language where array index starts at 1). It's an old school platformer so there will be some jumping, deadly spikes and other danger.
But to go to the next levels you will have to deal a devilish creature asking you part of your lifebar. The game gets harder as you progress (what a novel idea...)
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My advice for any jam is always to know your tools before starting the jam. Of course I do not listen to my own advice and it was my first Pico-8 game and I had to figure out everything on the fly. That was rather smooth except when some of my sprite and map got corrupted (because the memory map overlap between tiles and map?!). I also rarely dabbled into sprite animations so it was kind of an interesting experience.
There is plenty to improve like have another pass on the collision system, adding some music and tweak the difficulty, but overall I am kind of happy with the result and hope that you will enjoy playing it.