Stellar Reflections is a short story visual novel set in a dystopian future, within a sprawling space station governed by a singular world government. In this bleak era, personal freedoms have been suppressed, and life choices are dictated by the all-powerful regime. Delve into the narrative through the eyes of the protagonist, Aurelia. She'll come to face a life-altering decision that will challenge her perception of the world.
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Main characters:
Aurelia - the protagonist
Aurelia is a nobody, living out her life at a space station orbiting the Earth. Spends her days at her junkyard job, drinking at her favoring bar, or playing video games.
A young graduate of a machinery school, who finds herself in a particular predicament. Can Aurelia and Pixie help one another?
Bartender at Aurelia's favorite bar. As a man significantly older than her (although his exact age is not known), he offers advice and listens to her whining.
Stellar Reflections is a short story, consisting of about 17000 words, divided into 15 bits. Reaching all endings takes about 1h and 20 minutes.
There are 16 original tracks created specifically for this novel.
The novel features a couple of choices which lead to one of three possible endings: bad, neutral, or good.
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