Hello everyone! My name is Julián, or Jules if that's easier for you. I am a Mexican TTRPG designer who makes casual projects for game jams. I'm interested in tabletop game design, layout and writing. Unfortunately, English is my second language and I can only go as far when writing TTRPGs. I often start with a Spanish version and then make a rough translation to English. I am currently looking for someone who could check on that rough translations and help me to make it better, clearer and mostly correct.
My next project is a small game (No longer than 3 pages) about a supernatural government department and Evil eye. The Spanish document is already finished, I should've finished the English version in a few days. The game would be uploaded to this Game Jam: https://itch.io/jam/superstition-ttrpg-game-jam
You can find my work on my Itch.io page: https://jules-ampere.itch.io/
If you are interested in working with me, feel free to reply to this thread or send me a DM on Discord (username: julesampere).