hey all! Just made a mobile game(made it on my phone) would love any and all feedback if you have the time! Thank you so much in advance
No but I really want to :(
My device doesn't have enough space for bluestacks, which should allow me to play .apk files. My phone is weird about apps that don't come from the play store, so I'll keep trying to figure out a way to play this. I might have to make a forum post here on itch about it... Either way, I'm determined to get to your game at some point!
Do you have any suggestions?
Good news: I got it to work on my phone!!! :D
The game is pretty cool. It has a really basic concept, I think all it needs is some expansion. Some collectables, some obstacles, and maybe some more polish on the controls. The directional jump is kind of wonky, and you can sometimes get stuck between some platforms. Also I'd suggest a restart level option, if there isn't one already. The game isn't much but I'm impressed you made it on your phone (and under your boss's nose too!)
I literally deleted every app (including important ones) from my phone to get this to work... I guess I'm really dedicated to giving feedback!
Feel free to try my game out, I could use your feedback: https://wasabiiii.itch.io/grass-elemental-demo-demo
This is a really good start, keep going!
huzzah! I am soooo glad you were able to get it to work lol although yeah you were definitely determined to if your deleting apps for it (so didn't need to do that for me but thank you anyways!) I definitely agree on the obstacles and pickups! I've only been doing this game making thing for a week and am discovering how to do new things every day so yeah I shall be incorporating those for sure as well as fixing the button position as well! Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my game! I will definitely try yours out as soon as I get the chance to!