It is a lot of time before New Year. It is summer now. And I have a dream to develop a game about a New Year.
I want to make a continue for game Gala for a long time. And about a New Year`s theme.
Gala – it is simple in style of 8 bit and 80s space shooter.
And now it is in developing a Gala New Year. Funny game about New Year and space shooter.
Instead of enemies – it will be different presents and new year`s things. Socks, for example.
New Year – it is a good celebration.
And here, it will be a New Year in space! In a cosmic scale!
Text screens with funny text will be in game.
It is a story and jokes. For a mood.
And game itself – it is shooter in style of 8 bit, in style of MS DOS, in style of 80s.
In space and about a New Year!
Holiday space!
Game about space and a New Year!
So here you see a main menu. And few starting intros.
But a lot of things are done.
Game process -exist, levels – exist, options – exist, text and graphics – exist.
All of these need to check. And to make some more things.