Welcome to CuteLiu.io!
This is an apple eating game with lots of fun!
You as a player use the mouse button to control the player to eat apples. There are 4 different types of apples the player can eat, 3 of them can add points based on the type of apple and 1 of them can make the player lose a life. There are chickens all around the map running around, and hitting one will also make the player lose a life. The player can use the mouse button to throw apples at them to make them despawn, doing this will add 3 points or they can make other players lose a life. There are 3 lifes and if player loses all of them, the game is over. They can eat golden apples to gain lifes if they lose one. The objective is to get a lot of points before a game over. This game is basically a .io game that has the fun of eating apples and more.
Play this game at: https://cuteliugames.itch.io/cuteliuio