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[NSFW] Town Girls

A topic by WindowsLogic Productions created Nov 30, 2022 Views: 298
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Welcome to the alpha of Town Girls! The changes in these updates are an improvement over and are as follows;

1. Optimisations.

1. Added drop shadow to main menu image.
2. Fixed a bug which caused the game to crash when clicking on the Public Toilets sign.
3. Fixed a bug which caused the game to crash when trying to go into Amber's dates.
4. Changed default name string from "Boy" to "Person".
5. Fixed a bug where Violet's dates sometimes didn't display the narrator.
6. Fixed a bug where the game crashed when trying to use the dildo on her as a boy.
7. Added neutral sprite for Amber.
8. Fixed a bug where the game would hang when going back to the hub from the gallery.
9. Violet's date 1 is now less janky.
10. Violet's date 2 is now less janky.
11. Violet's date 3 is now less janky.

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