Hi there. I am sure that my transmitter is set up properly because on my laptop Freerider + Deviation Walkera 7e are plug and play.
On my desktop, however, FR does not seem to see the 7e even though device manager shows the "Deviation GamePad" with "HID-compliant game controller" and "USB Input Device". Everything looks identical to my laptop except my desktop has many more USB device connected to it. I tried uninstalling some non-essential devices but FR does not show any joystick movement. A couple of times some one of the axes showed slight movement. I see others had similar problems and uninstalling some RC USB drivers helped. I don't have any additional controllers or game controllers installed or connected so it does not seem that there is anything I can additionally uninstall.
please help. Is there a debug log or other tool which might shed some light on this erratic behaviour?