Hi Guys! We've just released a calming yet chaotic tower defense strategy game that you can play on Steam or Itch.io
The game called Protect My Cheese.
Protect My Cheese is a stunning and chaotic tower defense strategy game where we play as cats to defeat the cheese-hungry rats. Survive against waves of enemies and guard the cheese.
A limitless variety of unique towers and enemies set in a vast abandoned area will unleash the power of cats vs rats.
Set in an abandoned place, rats are nesting for a long time until they ran out of food stock. They noticed a very tasty cheese and devised a plan to steal the cheese with their armies.
You can buy it on the link below:
🐀 Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2027130/Protect_My_Cheese/
🐭 Itch.io: https://melvintang-games.itch.io/protect-my-cheese
You can watch the trailer here:
Thanks! Enjoy the game <3