Hey! I've been working on a tool for tabletop rpg DMs and Players to keep notes in. After some initial feedback from my first 50 users, I just uploaded the first update for the application. It includes some new features and bug fixes from folks who were using it over the last few days.
It's free to check out right now here: https://peter-slattery.itch.io/dmb
What Is DMB?
Think of it as a magic binder that automatically links your notes to each other for easy reference during a game.
- Any time you type the name of another note, watch it become a link automatically
- Add images, links, and formatting quickly and easily!
- Create collections that dynamically update to include new notes you add. Collections are great for tracking what NPCs are in which cities, members of organizations, and collect all the items you've given/received into one list.
- It looks like published TTRPG content! Your writing becomes your own official source book.
So give it a shot, and let me know what you think!