Horri-Fi is a simple and easy-to-use Shader for Game Maker Studio 2! Click the image above to try out the HTML5 demo and download!
Setup is as simple as calling:
horrifi_set(); draw_surface(application_surface, 0, 0); horrifi_reset();
That's it!
This shader includes:
- Bloom
- Chromatic Abberation
- Scanlines
- VHS Distortion
- CRT TV Curve
- Noise
- Vignette
You can dynamically set any of the shader values using the
functions such as:
horrifi_bloom_set() horrifi_chromaticab_set() horrifi_scanlines_set() horrifi_vhs_set() horrifi_vignette_set() horrifi_crt_set() horrifi_noise_set()
The demo above is also included as an EXE file that you can run, adjust settings, and press the "Copy GML code to clipboard" button and paste in your game!!