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Feature requests: population, river forks, and coastline placement

A topic by ben_the_lucky created Oct 09, 2021 Views: 576 Replies: 2
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(1 edit) (+1)

I love this generator!  But I find myself generating 50 maps before I get one with the population I need with the coast lines going the direction I need.  Would it be possible to input a population as well as the 1-100 size value?  Also it would be awesome to allow the user to select where the coastlines and rivers are at the edges of the image, and to enable one or more river forks.  For example, I might need a village of 1400 at a river junction, or a bustling trade city of 500000 on a peninsula on the east coast.



  • River forks will be implemented eventually.
  • You can request where the coastline should be using the URL parameter sea. For example on this map the coastline is exactly to the east from the city centre because sea=1.5. This was implemented for integration with Azgaar's map generator. There is no UI for this parameter because it's much easier to rotate a map using the Warp tool anyway.
  • It is not possible to generate a city with a specific population number. If you need a city of 500000, generate a large enough city and just say that 500K people live there - no one can check it!

Thank you!