In my opinion, there is a problem with pages for games that were created by a team of 2 or more people - caused by the fact that as a platform is following a single-ownership policy. That means, only one person of a team can be the owner of the game and the games page - and is standing out in every aspect on the game page and everywhere else (Follow [user], View all by [user], only one game entry on that users profile page).
This strongly suggests that there is one single person in lead, doing most of the job, earning all the credits, and all others in that team merely doing some more or less minor contribution (No follow links for them, no view all by [...] for them, no game entry on their profile pages).
At least in the context of Game Jams this "picture" is far from any reality and plain unfair - when a game is developed by a team, every member counts equally. Period. I assume that as a platform started with single-developer games in mind, and shaped everything around this picture. What I don't understand is, why they haven't taken action when this strong and remaining trend of team-developed games showed up. As it is now, the platform looks like it doesn't value team efforts at all. There are some little extensions: an admin feature and names of "contributors" mentioned inconsistently and inadequately on random places.
I can imagine that a team of game creators would expect the following changes when it comes to a fair presentation of their work:
- A username-free game page URL, e.g. https://[game-name][incremental-number] instead of https://[user-name]
- A coequal game entry on all team members profile pages - pointing to the username-free game page URL
- On the game page a "View all creators" link- listing links to the profile pages of all team members - instead of a single "View all by [user-name]" link
- A batch (on top of the games thumbnail, on the game page itself) indicating that this game is the result of a team effort
I think these changes would truly value the idea of team-based game development.
I would like to hear your opinion, critics and ideas on that.