Hi! I've been working on a small game the past few weeks, and I wanted to share what I have so far! It's a game where you, as a cute parrot, go around and collect seeds and water to cultivate beautiful flowers in your home! After this you can sell and start over. For now that's the 'game loop' but I have a twist in mind that will be secret ;)
The first screenshot, from the forest where you collect the seeds every day.
Second screenshot, from inside your birdhouse where you keep the plants/flowers. There are 3 variations of flowers, but I just got unlucky during the screenshots.
Any feedback would be great to hear! I'm an absolute novice at this, and wanted to try out making 2d games after spending ( too ) long on a 3d platformer. I plan on making this a fairly simple and short game, showing my love for birds and plants.