Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where mosquitos will stop chasing you after being engaged if you move away too much.
- Fixed an issue where one of the fishing area types would not work properly.
- General:
- Decreased the number of rocks in the game.
- Fishing:
- Balanced the number of fishing areas of each type.
- Lowered the overall number of fishing areas.
- Removed the pre-fishing ripples.
- Increased the fishing time window from 1.5 to 2 seconds.
- Updated the fish-catching animation to be more clear.
- Added a new sound for fish bites.
- Escape animation now triggers when you leave a fishing area mid-fishing.
- Fishing areas icons are now darkened once you catch a fish of their type
- Mosquitos:
- You now heal automatically when there are no mosquitos engaged with you.
- The mosquito health bar now flashes when you are damaged.
- Exploration:
- Landmarks icons replace the minimap.
- A sound effect and particles show that you've reached a landmark.
- When approaching a landmark, the exploration camera zooms out.
- The landmarks are placed randomly at the start of the game.
- Added bounciness to the physical objects in the game.
- Shark:
- The shark now deals one damage point and leaves you for a few seconds after hitting you.
- The raft now slowly breaks as it is damaged by the shark.
- When approaching the shark, the exploration camera zooms out.
- A sound now plays once you win the game
- Increased the vegetation thickness.