Hi, I am looking to create an FPS Collectathon. Think Quake meets Banjo Kazooie. We are looking for game designers/level designers/writers/3D artists/concept artists/programmers/animators of all skill levels. This could be a piece for your portfolio. The game will have puzzles, platforming, collecting, exploring compelling worlds and FPS combat. I do plan on eventually paying for work once the game is more established and synergy has been built between the team members. As for myself I will handle the project management/organization of the project and act as a producer. I'm also an experienced sound designer and will handle that as well. I can code and I'm knowledgeable about gameplay programming but would prefer to leave that to someone more practiced. I will work on any aspect of game development that's needed other than the more complex programming. I am knowledgeable in both Unity3D and Unreal engine. I'm very serious about this project and aim to produce a demo that attracts investors or explore crowdfunding options. The game design document is currently a work in progress but looks promising. Message me and I'll send you the current documents. Crowdfunding is a future option and we are open to revenue sharing in the future. You can e-mail me at zaidspectralsoftware@gmail.com or hit me up on discord YESYESYES#1321. I look forward to hearing from all the passionate game developers out there. My Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/70260