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Horrible Itch Customer Service

A topic by corefox created Oct 17, 2020 Views: 122 Replies: 2
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Been wrongfully banned from submitting to game jams for about a month now. Appealed it on Oct 13, 2020 to itch support, explained the situation, still no response. Tried getting help from itch official discord, (yep you guessed it, not solved).  Frustrated I couldn't participate in Halloween game jams. If you know other other indie game hosting sites as good as itch, please let me know in comments. Thank you for reading.


Please accept my apologies for the situation, and the lack of answers.



You were banned from submitting to jams for submitting your existing projects to unrelated jams. Hosts of jams reported your projects to us. In our support ticket we asked you to make an appeal to acknowledge the rules and why you were banned and you denied it and said you were wrongfully banned. Jams aren’t there so you can casually post and promote your games.

Please do not make topics like this as they are not helpful.


Admin archived this topic