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A member registered Jul 18, 2020

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(1 edit)

I just played this for the first time, and damn. Fantastic work all around. I'm loving the way everything progresses. I like that the days are somewhat linear and you are with multiple people a day instead of just doing one event like in the original, it makes everything feel more substantial and you get to know everyone a little better. Though I do have a couple questions.

Why is Shun's the only sprite who's changed so drastically? Everyone has the same look and outfit as in the original, except for Shun who's significantly different. 

And another commenter left a really, well, rude statement that I mostly disagree with; however, I think their concerns about the development speed are somewhat valid. 

Just to clarify, I'm not making a complaint about the long wait (I only just played it for the first time this update), just raising a concern about the novel's future. I know how much content is in the beach day and stuff, and how the pandemic affected everything, but a seven month wait between updates is sort of scary... I'm just worried it will never be finished, to put it bluntly. Do you guys have any predictions about the development speed in the future? Sorry if this comes off as rude, I'm just worried for the future of the game.