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rat bastard

A member registered Dec 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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i played this game 4 the first time when it first came out in 2018 and tbh???? still always thinking ab it 2 this day tysm 4 making the best dating sim 2 exist ever.

i luv it!!!! the world building in this game is so unique and interesting that i found myself being completely enamoured with it. even if the romance  were completely exempt from this game i think i would still adore it all the same! that being said each route is so lovely and the endings really stick with you! nyargh was my fav from the beginning and after playing through all the routes i think his route was my fave as well!! but each character is so lovable and interesting!

it's me.

(1 edit)

this game meant a lot to me. i can really relate to may's experience and it was written so real and personal that it had me crying both during and after i had completed the game. i've always kept an eye on ur games bc i think the art and stories r rlly lovely but this one is especially beautiful and i adore u now??