there is a bug where the game crashes when trying to open the "readme" program in the starting PC. To avoid having to open it to read the game's "how to play", here is the text contained in it:
"Hey, you. You're finally awake.
As a state-of-the-art, AI-powered, sentient computer virus, you are bound to great feats!
But before you go ahead spreading yourself through computers all around the world, let me
explain how you can achieve that:
- Once you are in a computer, you have to check for connections to other machines in the same network.
- To spread to other machines, the user has to download the virus in their computer.
- Send e-mails containing the virus file to the people you want to infect. But you have to be convincing!
Victims will not fall for it if you don't use the right words and / or attachments, or even if you don't send it from the right
e-mail address (Check the "help" button in the email client for more information).
- Search through the computer's programs to discover a person's interests and how to lure them into downloading
the virus. Collect words and attachments from various e-mails to help you build the perfect
- And always (always) attach a "click me" sticker in
your e-mail. This is what contains the virus.
Good luck in your journey to world domination ;)"