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A member registered Dec 19, 2016

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To Bodely Toss 'Nades at your enemies

The Grenade ability is a fancy one. With the ability to toss stunning (Or deadlying) balls of explodey death at your Robot Robot Enemies.

Upgrade 1: Generic Mode

This ability, When you use it, means you toss out a small grenade for one energy. It behaves like a spidertron bomb. So it will help to rekt your enemies. Other than that it does really nothing.

Upgrade 2: More Kabang for your buck!

with this upgrade your grenades have a bigger blast radius. So you can hit all the evil bots coming for your robot face!

Upgrade 3A: Deadly Deathness

with this upgrade. Your grenades go from knocking robots back. To blowing them up!

Upgrade 3B: Clusterf-ck

with this upgrade. Your bombs launch smaller bombs when they explode. This upgrade makes it launch two smaller bombs. (Less blast area and not as much damage)

Upgrade 4B: Clusterf-ck 6000!

Now. Your bombs explode into 4 smaller bombs! So you can wreak even more havoc upon those innocent robots!

Well thats about all


The Bomber: A robot with a need to give humans hugs, and then blow them up

The bomber is a fat robot that charges at you, nothing stops it when it charges at you, (Except kicking the poor fat robot... You monster)


The Mk 1 - Bomber appears in the gold tier, this one just charges at you, Stops moving when it starts its explode timer of like 3 - 5 seconds, then explodes. Farther away people would get knocked over, but close by would DIE! (Bum Bum BUUUUUM,) other than that. There is nothing outstanding to it.


The Mk 2 - Bomber appears in the diamond tier, This one charges at you, But also jet-packs at you! (AIEEE!) and the explosion is a bit bigger! This means these will close ground with you quickly. Hug you with explosive love and then turn everything you know and love about your robot body into glowing cubes that the cleaning bots have to pick up.

Bomber MK 3 - A General Clusterf*ck

The Mk 3 - Bomber pops up in the titanium tier. This one is pure nightmares, Along with jetpacking to give you hugs, when this one explodes. instead of launching YOU! It launches loads of Bombs! Meaning that they will end up screwing up your day, These act like normal spidertron bombs. But are more lethal! (;_;) The only problem is that their widespread bomb hugs will end up giving fellow robots not so good times either...


-Waffles10k ;P