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Vincent Séjourné

A member registered Mar 27, 2020

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(1 edit)

Thank you :D,  let me judge for myself.  ^^

And for the pixelated filter, do you think it is possible to release a version of the game without it? It could bring a  better immersion. :)

Anyway, thank you. :)

(2 edits)


The moment i opened the front door of the mansion and saw the inside, I stood there for 10 seconds without saying anything with this face --> :O and then: "Fuck..."

I feel like I'm playing RE1 but instead of the static 2D background images, it's in 3D, the gameplay also looks like the CGI cutscenes.

I can say that the graphical accuracy is at least 90% compared to the original game, congratulations for that, you did a great job. :)

I'm curious to play without the pixelated filter to have a clear vision, can you make a version without the filter? or add an option to disable it?

It also would be nice to have a save system as a major update.

I hope you will find a programmer to help you with the game. :)

Keep up the good work!