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A member registered Sep 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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This game was recommended to me by some of the followers of my stream and I'm happy for the rec! I have a few small issues here and there, mostly with characters names showing before we meet them and then Alenca knowing their names when I never made a choice where they tell her their names. But, overall, I really am enjoying the game and can't wait to play more and review it for my site. I've played games I bought for $50 that were terrible at world-building and character writing, the writing here is great! No need for characters sitting the player down for 20 minutes to explain the world's backstory to someone who live in it. Ah~ So great!

While I initially paid $5 for the game, I decided that this is easily a game worth $15 and gave y'all another $10. Cheers! :)