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A member registered Jan 28, 2020

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Fun game!

2 minor bugs: The blue effect when switching sometimes stays.

The bee can switch with the chicken, but chicken can not switch back, and the bee flies to the next screen.

It is written on the kitchen wall, the second time you enter the house.

(2 edits)

Loving the game so far.

In Roteption, there is a section of the floor that you can fall through.

"Over" is what you say at the end of your message to indicate that you have finished speaking.

"Roger" is what you say in reply to someone to say "yes".

You can read more about this here:

Amazing work!

Looking at the actual overlapping map, it's apparent that they gave no consideration of how the actual facility would exist in physical space after the train ride.

It would be interesting to see how the Opposing Force and Blue Shift maps fit (or didn't fit) with the rest of the facility - or if Gearbox gave more consideration to the physical space.