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A member registered Nov 09, 2017

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Thanks for the reply!  I actually tried a bit ago to install Crouton on my Chromebook, but unfortunately as it’s an old model, a lot of the instructions don’t even work...through my own experimentation I’ve managed to get to the scary screen of death, through it to the pre-boot wipe, and up to the reboot, but whenever it reboots I’m just brought back to the scary screen of death, and can’t proceed further.  All commands, including CTRL-D, just get written onto the screen and don’t actually do anything.  I’ll have to experiment with it more sometime, but right now with finals looming and an IT department that doesn’t know Chromebooks well enough to help me, I’ve decided to save it until winter break.  But fortunately, my awesome roommate is allowing me to use his Windows laptop to play the game, so I suppose Chrouton is a bit of a moot point for now. :)

Hi, I was just wondering if there was any way to play this on the iPad Pro, because my laptop is a Chromebook (I swear, I didn’t realize how much of a pain it’d be to have the two most incompatible OS’s) and I’m still figuring out how to install  Ubuntu onto it.