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A member registered Dec 17, 2017

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(1 edit)

quick update: removing the after story mod folder made the game open normally, the mod is broken somehow but there's nothing on the page about it not working

sorry I figured I posted it in the wrong board

I just finished my first run and I installed the after story mod thing for some fun. After I put the extracted mod in the game folder and deleted the firstrun file I cannot open the game anymore. I open the application and nothing happens, my cursor just does the loading thing and thats it. Opening it from steam or directly opening the application does nothing. I know many people have this problem and I just cant find how to fix this. I downloaded the steam version if that helps

I just finished my first run and I installed the after story mod thing for some fun. After I put the extracted mod in the game folder and deleted the firstrun file I cannot open the game anymore. I open the application and nothing happens, my cursor just does the loading thing and thats it. Opening it from steam or directly opening the application does nothing. I know many people have this problem and I just cant find how to fix this. I downloaded the steam version if that helps

also I downloaded the steam version if that helps

I just finished my first run and I installed the after story mod thing for some fun. After I put the extracted mod in the game folder and deleted the firstrun file I cannot open the game anymore. I open the application and nothing happens, my cursor just does the loading thing and thats it. Opening it from steam or directly opening the application does nothing. I know many people have this problem and I just cant find how to fix this.