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A member registered Dec 20, 2020

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nono you definetly have a point im pretty sure i was high writing that :sob:

drop source code link :smiling_imp:

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is it still illegal to upload bbcr source code if its locked between an anti piracy measure that checks your public steam library to see if you have bbp then let you through the anti piracy measure

on second thought people could just post it to people that dont have it without hesitation

still mayber it legally is allowed

if not ill learn c sharp its ok

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i have yet to play this but if this is better than the actual garten of banban im never playing the sequels  or the threequels or whatevers gonna happen next in garten of banban

now i dont know how the code works, or how any code works. however is there a way to change the server hosting to your own pc using the source code so you can play with your friends at any time, even when the public servers are down or full?

Will you ever turn this into a .exe file?


oh- i guess youre right. idk why i didnt ask him xd tho thanks for replying.

love this remake!

k so youre a fake dev thanks for wasting my time -_-

is this version also updated in the sidequest version? just askin lol

can i have evidence please?

Hello, i would like to know if i can use Week L's song and turn it into an actual Friday Night Funkin' Mod.


its silvagunner on the channel

ik that they already started, how do i know it? in only one word.


idk, but why are you talking out of context lmao


this, is, a, prototype. the current version downloadable is and the latest version (only on newgrounds rn) is the full game is NOT out yet so it might be harder to mod currently. the full game will prob take a couple years to finish.

holy shit what the fuck was happening  here


wtf is going on


uhm is it now 15th or 17th??

there is only week 1 lmao, week 2 is only in the updated version

The Secret Key Is --------- (help)

thats fine! I hope its gonna be very good!

Have a nice day! ;)

ah, okay!

im not sure if this is in the very very basic parts but will it include special stages anytime? i just want to know, thats all :/

you forgot something about the .2 that you have to also somehow change the sprites, lol

(and what type of variable? enum? if so, i need to know what folder you make your enums.)

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oh, thats okay, but if its a Drag n drop im gonna be a using tutorials, but if its Gamemaker language, im gonna learn that. just so i can make supersonic lol (because im new to GM2)

that made it fixed for me :D

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btw, i just want to know if V4 will include Super sonic? (btw its working now :D)

Hello Chrisfurry, happy new year!

Merry Xmas to everyone and to chrisfurry also!


welp.. got no time to talk about it now. or even today, though, have a nice day still

forgot to tell you this but once i opened the .exe file that comes with v2, then I restarted the programm. and it didnt run for some reason

oh god why is it still broken for me

you updated the engine pretty  quick lol, have a nice day still.

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Its okay, i cant always wait, im glad that youre finally updating the engine. Still, have a nice day

by the way, i know this might sound weird, but i noticed that i did most of the comment wrong. let me edit the whole sentance that started this all.