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taiyaki queen

A member registered Jul 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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are you having trouble finding the application itself? i'm also windows and i couldn't figure out how to access the actual app after i extracted it, but what i did that finally helped me find it is searching "goose" in the downloads folder and looking for the app "Goose Desktop" with the little green goose icon. : ) sorry if that doesn't work for you though!!

(2 edits)

i had trouble getting it to work too the first time haha i think if it is extracted, you can then just search for "goose" in your downloads (at least that is what i did) and look for "Goose Desktop" application with the icon of the goose. from there you can create a shortcut if you wish and move it to your desktop for easy access. you create one goose every time you double-click on the application, but if you make too many the application might crash. i still can't quite figure out how to get it to go away lol but there should not be any need for keypressing         : )
