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A member registered Feb 14, 2023

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This is a fun, very unique little game. Well worth the price! But it can be unbalanced and a bit confusing. Most treasure and ability bonuses are +, but many enemies and traps require low rolls. It's not clear which treasure is single use. Can everyone use the wand? I feel like the class bonuses should be +/- to make them more useful. If I were to change one thing I would call the Coward class Sneak-thief instead. Coward sounds negative compared to the others and that would keep the S class names going. Despite my criticism I really do like this! Totally worth checking out for a quick fun game.

Thanks for the response! I liked this game so much that I also got Maze Rats to understand it more deeply. It seems increasing DN with level would not make sense. I've been playing that you can get additional Bootleg spells but the tapes are rare and hard to find. Thanks again, love the game!

I really dig this setting, love the art and theme! I would totally be down for more! I do have a couple questions... 

In Step 2 it says DN increases with level, but I don't see that anywhere. Should it be a choice on the level features table somewhere? 

There are slots for multiple bootleg spells, can you know more than one?  

I'm currently playing a solo scenario I created. Please consider something like that in the future. 


I strongly prefer version 3 over 4 and will continue to play that. I like the shadow events and combat rewards, but... Fatigue and camping bog down the game big time. I would suggest a mandatory camping event once per quest to overcome general fatigue.  Rolling for Journey length seems unnecessary. The folk/races lost some individuality by getting only a single bonus, with Halflings being obviously superior. The companions got a little confusing.. The game is now much harder but starting Spirit and bonuses are greatly reduced so it feels unbalanced. My first game I immediately lost my event, then got "killed" at the location, then got killed again at my next event. The dice mitigation of previous versions, using Spirit and Fate, seem gone. I thought those were clever. The game was a not so difficult almost relaxing journey before, with a good level of simplicity. The only real anxiety came from fear of drawing a shadow card. I've been enjoying this game a lot since you first posted it. Thank you.

Thank you. I'm enjoying the game a lot, I really hoped it would be funded! My only question is about Spirit. Do characters start with 5 or zero base Spirit before background/species bonuses? Thanks again!